auto insurance

auto insurance


Commercial General Insurance offers a choice of three types of insurance covers for your car:

  1. Third Party
    Third Party insurance provides the minimum compulsory cover required by Law in respect of the Insured’s liability for death or bodily injury to third parties or damage to third party property.

  2. Third Party, Fire & Theft
    Third Party, Fire & Theft insurance satisfies the minimum legal requirements and in addition provides cover for loss of or damage to the car itself caused by fire, self-ignition, lightning, explosion, theft or attempted theft.

  3. Comprehensive

    Comprehensive insurance is the most advanced cover. In addition to the cover described above, it includes accidental damage caused to the insured vehicle.

The above types of insurance covers include the following additional benefits:

  • Extension of cover for driving beyond the limits of a “Road”

  • Cover against the liability of the vehicle’s passengers to third parties

  • Extension of Third Party cover for driving other cars by the Insured (Applicable to Insureds 23 years of age or older. Not applicable to joint-policyholders and companies)

  • Road Assistance Services

  • Accident Care Services

  • Extension of Third Party cover for trailers

  • Any Driver over 25 and under 70 years of age and with driving licence of more than 2 years

Under Motor Private Insurance a series of optional covers are also available at a small extra premium:

  • Personal Accident to the insured

  • Breakage of Glass in windscreen or windows

  • Loss of Personal Effects

  • No Claims Discount protection

  • Damage caused to the insured car by flood, storm etc.

  • Loss of use of the insured car following an accident

  • Cover for Strike, Lock-out, Riot and Civil Commotion

  • Replacement of Vehicle with New




Commercial General Insurance offers a choice of three types of insurance cover for your commercial vehicle

  1. Third Party
    Third Party insurance provides the minimum compulsory cover required by law in respect of the insured’s liability for death or bodily injury to third parties or damage to third party property.

  2. Third Party, Fire & Theft
    Third Party, Fire & Theft Insurance satisfies the minimum legal requirements and in addition provides cover for loss of or damage to the vehicle itself caused by fire, self-ignition, lightning, explosion, theft or attempted theft.

  3. Comprehensive
    Comprehensive Insurance is the most advanced cover. In addition to the cover described above, it includes accidental damage caused to the insured vehicle.

The above insurance covers include the following additional benefits:

  • Extension of cover for driving beyond the limits of a “Road”

  • Cover against the liability of the vehicle’s passengers to third parties

  • Road Assistance Services (offered only in respect of vehicles with gross weight up to 5 tons. Not offered to special types of vehicles such as agricultural tractors, forklifts, cranes etc.)


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